Manifestation Mastery: Breaking Through Blocks and Beliefs
“You have to work on nervous system to stop it from freezing, freaking out and running into battle with your higher self.
This Is Soul Therapy, Episode 30
In this episode of This Is Soul Therapy, join me as I dive deep into the art of intuitive decision-making. We’ll explore the subtle roadblocks that hold us back—from the ego’s tricks to the anxieties that keep us spinning in place.
Learn how to tap into your inner wisdom, connect with your guides, and trust your intuition to make clear, confident choices. I’ll also share tips for calming your nervous system to stay grounded and open, supporting the lasting changes you’re ready to create.
Jennifer: Hello everybody. And welcome back to this is soul therapy. I am your host, Jen Hulley, this week we are talking about intuitive decision making.
And I say this with like so much love this episode is because it's time to get going. Okay. It comes from many conversations that I had last week with different people, some friends, some clients, And just me realizing that we say, I don't know, I don't know what I want. I don't know what to do. I don't know what the first step is.
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Like we'd like to opt out of the situation by feigning ignorance and just pretending that answers are like not available to us, but the reality is. Is that you do know we all know whether we know and we're just not connected and hearing that guidance or whether we are connected and receiving guidance, but we're not feeling safe enough in our bodies and in our [00:01:00] lives to move forward.
It really is. Stems down to this core knowing of you do know, but there might be like a little, like I'm seeing like, um, a universe where there's like an atmosphere around it, right. That's blocking the actual moving. And so today is the day. It's time to connect with your wisdom. It's time to connect with your guides, your intuition, everything, and just get going in your life.
And before we jump in, I want to remind you that you can always book an intuitive reading, a soul therapy session, or you can grab the manifesting magic playbook. All the details are on my website at jenniferhully. com. You can DM me as well if you have any questions about those. But let's start off with a reading.
We always start with a reading and I want to talk about like the seven of cups today because that was what was coming up like I said a lot last week, the seven of cups and life is like we have a lot of choices to make in our life. Life is a choice basically from the get go. Do I Put on [00:02:00] these shoes or that shoes.
Do I go to this school or that school? Do I marry Sally or do I not marry Sally? Do I have Wheaties for breakfast or do I skip breakfast? Your life is a constant barrage of decisions that have to be made. Some micro, some minor, some major, some mega. It can get really overwhelming, right? Because we think in our little brain that like, we think that like one decision will impact everything.
But we have to remember that like the way life works and the way the universe works and our timelines and our soul path is that like our path and our journey is infinite. Like there's infinite variations of everything. If you think of those books the choose your own adventure books I read them a lot as a kid and like you get it and you'd like get the front.
You'd be like, there's like a mountain and a werewolf and you kind of had an idea of where you were going, like, but you didn't know the story and as you went through the story, you were presented with like, do you open the door or do you go back to the car? Like these little tiny decisions [00:03:00] that eventually took you to one route or to the next mile marker to the next mile marker.
And we need to sort of, yeah. Demystify this idea that like every decision is like a make or break and I think there are some decisions in that and in our life that kind of bring us to like a crossroads to a T where it's like, are you going left or right? But a lot of them are just little things that maybe change the shape of our path, but don't really affect the end destination.
And so. Seven of Cups was coming up a lot last week when I was talking to a friend and they were saying like, I just don't know. I was like, you do know, like, side note, if you're like in conversation with me, I am just going to call it like it is because I want to help you make decisions. And I think The thing that stands in between us and making decisions is this like, not having the information or not having, not necessarily clarity, but not having like the directness of a message.
And so if we work together as like getting an intuitive reading or whatever, or you've worked with me in like a longer term, um, support package, you know that like, Stuff [00:04:00] comes in and I am just going to tell you. And so with this friend, I was like, I don't think you don't actually know. I think you do know.
And I think this is why you're pretending you don't know. And we're going to talk all about that this week, but before we dive in, we always do a little bit of a card reading. And I, we know that we want to talk about decision making and intuitive hits and basically like how to build our own internal guidance system and how to like, think of it as like Google maps for your soul.
We all have it. Right. We want to tune into that so that we're not sitting there staring at the shelves and being like buffering for 25 years on a decision because it does happen. Okay. The nine of swords, this is all about anxiety. And we are going to talk about this a lot today because who's in the driver's seat when you're stuck in indecision is either your ego, Right.
Your ego fears and the chitter chatter, like, don't do that. You're going to die. They're going to make fun of you. This is going to happen. How are you going to pay your bills? Oh my God. But like, like just [00:05:00] incessant, incessant anxiety that keeps you awake at night, wakes you up at like two in the morning with like spirals of doom of like, Oh my God, where are we going?
It's either that, or it's like your nervous system, which is stuck in a freeze mode. And even if it's your nervous system that's stuck in your freeze mode, that Is part and parcel with, um, anxiety, right? Like our nervous system regulation is a direct reflection of like how safe we are feeling in our life and in our space.
And when this card comes up, the nine of swords, it tells me that like, you don't have a clear vision or you're not getting the whole picture that's in front of you. You're really letting these stories run rampant in your head of like worst case scenario. Over and over and over again and your intuition will never guide you to the worst case scenario at all, right?
Your ego will your ego will and this sounds counterintuitive, but your ego the part of your mind that likes [00:06:00] Things to stay the same wants to keep you alive wants to make sure like you're never hurt again they like to get on their soapbox and they like to talk about the worst absolute worst that could happen because like Shock and terror and fear Has the ability to immobilize and when we're immobilized we're safe because we're not gonna do something that could potentially in the ego's perspective cause like harm and the ego wants you stuck right like I said the ego wants you stuck as hard as that is.
To believe or like as much of a, you know, a bitter pill that is to swallow. We all have an ego. We have to, if you didn't have an ego, like you'd be dead. You'd be walk across the road, you get smoked by a car. That would be it. And we never want our ego to dissolve. The aim of the game is to like partner with your ego, not have it in the driver's seat, maybe not even have it in the front seat, like maybe have it in the back seat and just be like, you sit back there and be quiet, like I will listen to you, I will, yes, thank you for letting me know that the road gets slippery and twisty up here, got it, but to have your authentic Self who is [00:07:00] grounded and, um, like in a state of equilibrium driving the car, but your ego, like I said, your ego, your fear, it's fear based, okay, it's fear based, it's anxiety driven, and it, it doesn't want you to change, it wants you to stay exactly where you are, exactly where you are, because right now you're alive, even if you're fucking miserable, you're alive, and you have, you know, like, From your ego's perspective, everything that it needs is being taken care of.
Even if it's not being fulfilled on like a deep soulful level, or Marie, your ego doesn't give a crap about that. It wants to make sure that you have like roof over your head. Uh, you're not being like shamed and made fun of. You're not being pushed into exile and your social community. And that like, you're safe and people are going to support you.
And basically it always comes down to like, I don't want to die. And if nothing is changing, then status quo is staying. You might feel like crap. Your ego's like. I got my job. She's not moving. Unless we're willing to look at the things that scare us and look at the things that are stopping [00:08:00] us, we risk living this life of stuckness. And one of the best ways to get stuck. is to tell yourself that like, you will take action at a later date.
Once you have this thing, once I have clarity, once I have, a knowing of what to do. And I will even say like, we'll go back to the like clarity piece. When you say like, I'm just waiting for clarity on what I want. I would wager that you're not even waiting for clarity. You're waiting for a like assuredness that it's going to succeed.
It's not clarity of like what it is that you want. It's, Someone saying, Oh, when you do this, this is absolutely going to happen. Nobody's going to laugh at you. You're not going to lose any money and you'll get what you want. So our ego uses that line of like, I don't know what I want because it's really effective and it's really easy to justify and believe.
You don't have to feel so bad about it. You know what I mean? Like the ego also doesn't want to feel like crap. So it doesn't want to like be in, in the blame. Like it doesn't want to be like, this isn't my fault. Right. So your ego brings up these thought [00:09:00] patterns and beliefs in you that like, I can't take action until I know exactly what I want or exactly how it's going to play out or whatever.
And it uses this illusion of like not having the answer, not being sure as a Kind of like vague shapeshifting threshold that it wants you to cross before then I'll act right and I say it's the shapeshifting threshold because You never cross it. You never ever cross it. And if, if we think about like, if we go back to that analogy that I said, we're, um, your life is like those choose your own adventure books, right?
We don't know the story. We don't, we come here, we don't know the entire story. We got like an idea of the theme, or you might look at your book and be like, ah, this book is about a career development, or this book is about like love relationships. And you know that, you know, That's kind of the gist of where you're going, but it doesn't say like, you know, Jimmy meets Sally and they go on a date and then they get married and then [00:10:00] they, you know, buy a house in this place and they get a car.
Like it doesn't tell you everything. You're going to know that this is the theme of what, you know, aspect of your life we're looking at, but then you're going to be presented with like micro. nudges, micro decisions. But what happens is our ego like overshoots those and doesn't pay attention to the little decisions.
It thinks like, I must know everything. I must know the end result of how this is going to play out before I can start. And like, you're never going to know the end result until you're dead. Like that's what a life review is for to sit back and be like, Oh, Oh, that's why that happened. You know what I mean?
And with my friend, we were talking and, uh, they were getting stuck in this, like needing to know the big, big picture. And I was like, you know, we can like just approach this, like a choose your own adventure book and look at everything. Like this little, you're going down a journey and it's like, stop this or that stop this or that.
Like if we're talking about career, we could [00:11:00] say, okay. You're like, I don't know what I want to do in my life. I know I'm like unhappy in my job, but I really don't know. Should I be going back to school? Should I be going here? Should I be doing that? Like, you can see how your brain just goes like, right.
The first micro decision really is , do you want to stay in the job that you're in yes or no, no, I don't. Okay. That's your first decision. Decision made do the next one. The next day, you don't have to figure them all out at once. So you make that decision. Then day two comes along. You're like, okay, I decided yesterday that I don't want to stay in the job that I'm in.
That's the first decision. Now, the next thing I need to decide is. Do I want to create my own money or do I want to join an already existing company venture like those are your next two doors do I want to like go down this entrepreneurial path or do I want to like join a team that already exists a business and it's like you know what I think I'm looking for a company to work with okay entrepreneurial is shut that door shut now we're looking at this path and you can [00:12:00] see how like each decision just Transcribed opens the door and opens the door.
And with each door that opens, it's like you start to see the beginning of the path, but you don't see the whole journey. And like I said, you're not going to know the whole journey until your life is over. So stop trying to like figure out where you're going to be on your deathbed and enjoy where your feet are right now on your path.
When we have these like decision makings, these little, I call them like, um, I'm seeing like a T. I don't know what they're called when you come to like, it's not a dead end or fork in the road. Okay, you come to the fork in the road and it's like, am I going this way or that way? These little micro decisions.
The answer comes from within always, right? A mistake we make is like trying to outsource it. So we like put away our power or we like distance ourself from our power when we're looking at our life path by saying, like, I don't know, I don't know what I want. I have no clarity. I have no power. I'm just this like, pathetic little human who's just like wallowing.
And the other thing we do is if we say, okay, I do know what I want, but. Now I need to ask everybody I need to get everybody's validation everybody's [00:13:00] confirmation or I need to outsource my authority making when we come to these decisions like I know intuitively I have to decide between entrepreneurship or joining a business that you know a company or something but let me ask my mom, let me ask my friends, let me ask my former boss, let me and you're asking people who have a completely different perspective on it because they're not in your life, they're not living it.
And so the answer they're going to give you has more to do with their path and where they've been and what they would do, but they're not you. So we need to like, you know, that was like a little side note of like, Not outsourcing information to all the people in your life. You know, we can, I say we outsource information sometimes out to like universal guidance and like through intuitive readings and stuff, but that even in itself isn't really outsourcing.
It's not because it's not removing you from the situation. It's like tapping into your energy and your energetic imprint and the orbit of your energy, all the things that are [00:14:00] kind of circulating you right now, you're still at the center of it, but these answers, what I'm trying to say is these answers always come from within
they always come from a voice inside. Which is your intuition, which I believe is either coming from your higher self, or it's coming from universal intelligence, God's source, universe, whatever you want to call it, or it's coming directly from guides, ancestors, the people that are on your spirit team that are trying to nudge you along.
But again, you're the microphone, you're the lens, you're the eye of the needle that it all goes through. And. There's like learning to do this and to build your life intuitively kind of has two parts right like when we get to that state where we're really unhappy and we feel really off our path and we're burnt out and we're like I I'm lost I don't know what I want I don't even like that to me says we're so disconnected from our inner.
Energy source and our inner like well of wisdom that we're just [00:15:00] we're kind of disembodied and it tells me that like there's two things that really need to be worked on here. Okay, like it's not all you just need to meditate and get the answers and you'll be gravy, right? Because like, that's part of it, but that's not the entire process.
If you kind of imagine it as like these two things or two phases or two elements, almost let's imagine two elements coming together. Not to make like a circle, but like two circles that then interlink. Okay. Like I'm thinking like a Venn diagram in school, you've got the one side and the other side, and then they cross over and right in the middle.
Is your inner guidance system. Okay. Your intuitive guidance system, but the one side of it is your awareness and your ability to like, be still be quiet, open up and receive guidance, but like also be aware that you're receiving guidance. Cause I think a lot of us receive guidance, but we're not aware of it.
80, 000 thoughts a day it would be impossible to be aware of every single thought that you [00:16:00] had, but we have to learn to train our brain to like tune the dial on a radio station. If you think of your brain as a radio and you can kind of like, Oh, excuse me, spiritual burps.
This happens when I'm reading people. And this happens when I'm like, uh, when I feel like I'm channeling and it's like, you really need to listen to what I'm going to say. If you think about your brain is like, like I said, like a. A radio and you turn the dial and it's like, there's like 80, 000, like, how many, how many words and streams of information are coming in a radio at any given point, millions, right?
Millions, like so much information. And that's like our awareness. And that's like our thoughts and how much stuff is actually like going through our brain. But we learn to turn the dial and tune into a certain frequency at a certain time and pay attention to what's coming in. That's tuning into your radio.
That's listening. For the guidance that's listening for the nudges that's opening our awareness to answers and um, you [00:17:00] know, the little like the carrot on the stick that's gonna take you down the path that you need to be going on. So that's like the one side of the diagram that inner experience of like getting still getting quiet paying attention.
Understanding and interpreting what comes in because often what comes in can be a bit abstract, but the other side, you don't have this other side, like nothing's going to happen because you can have all the guidance and intuition in the world. But if you don't have the body and the nervous system and the emotional regulation to process it and put it into action, like you're just, you're not going to do it.
So the other side of it is that nervous system regulation, right? And your nervous system is, immobilizing or a mobilizing, response within us. It's our fight, flight, or freeze response. We all have it. It works, you know, part and parcel with the ego. They're like besties. They kind of like tap each other in to when they, you know, have an idea or something that they're trying to like, put forth, [00:18:00] like if they're trying to like kick off a response is what I'm trying to say, so you've got to have the awareness part of it.
piece, but you also have to have a regulated nervous system that's not going to freak the fuck out. When it gets the information or it's not going to freak out at even like the glimpse of a possibility of an action, some of our nervous systems are so well trained and I mean, well trained to serve the ego that like, even the premise of an idea, like just starting to come into our awareness is enough for the nervous system to kick off a response, which starts, a self sabotage cycle because that immobilizes us that stops us from moving. And so you kind of need to work on both sides of this. You need to work on the awareness, but then you need to work on the nervous system regulation to be. Calm and supportive with whatever it is that you're going to be taking action on so that you can like not freak out and run away or not freak out and completely freeze or not freak out and like fight and [00:19:00] fight back, like fight against your higher self and get into a battle.
It's a 50 50 split like you can't just tend to your nervous system and doing all that stuff but not open up your awareness we have to be dipping in to both of those and like side note the manifesting magic playbook that I have developed looks at both sides of those it's really designed for somebody like if you're listening to this and you're It's speaking to you and you're but you're realizing like I'm so far off my path.
I don't even know where to start the manifesting magic playbook. It's like this independent process that you go through and it looks at those two elements. It helps you open your awareness to things that like. You actually want and desire when we strip away all the programming and all the ego fears and the things that society has told us we need to need want and be, but it also pairs it with like, okay, now here's how you're going to use your nervous system to partner with you and support daily.
That is aligned and moves you forward to that new path. So if this [00:20:00] is like hitting home for you, like look into that you can get it on my website. It's at JenniferHully. com slash manifesting magic. And you can read all about what's in there, it's your companion to like getting started with this kind of work.
The nervous system part is so important. Because
your intuition is always going to show you the right path and it's going to show you the right next move. But that doesn't mean it's going to show you like the easiest move or the move that feels like easy breezy lemon squeezy. Like it's just like, Hmm, that was a cakewalk. I could do that all day because if it was an easy move like that, you would have already done it.
Right? Your intuition is going to be like, Um, we need to look at this and it looks like this in your life. And I'm pretty sure this is the first thing that you need to do. And they're not going to be linear steps. They're not going to be easy. They're often going to be things that are difficult or that push right up [00:21:00] against like push that anxiety button that push that like danger, danger.
We're not doing this, but it's always trying to guide you. To the right place. So we need to be well equipped to take those scary leaps or those scary tip toes because anything that is different and new and unknown is inherently activating for us in terms of our fear response. And. Like I said, it, it's not going to steer you wrong, like stuff will pop in your head and your brain will be like, that doesn't make any sense.
Why would I do that? But you're not getting that message for no reason, right? We can look at like why you're getting that message and where it links to. Like there is some unraveling that you can do when you're investigating what's coming up for you. But the gist of it is. It's trying to pull you back onto the right route, right?
Like it's doing that recalculating, recalculating, you know, when like you go off when you're using like Google maps and she's like, turn right and you turn left and she's like, Oh [00:22:00] shit. She's like recalculating, recalculating. Recalculate. And then it takes you this weird, cause it's like, you gotta get back on your road.
Like it's trying to get you there in the safest way possible. And sometimes it brings you to, like I said, decisions that you don't want to look at or things that feel threatening or challenging or require you to show up in a way that is directly related to your shadow self. And your shadow that is the stuff we just stuff down.
And it's so repressed because our ego is like, absolutely do not look at that. And your intuition's like, no, you're going to look at that because when you look at that, it turns on the light and you're actually going to be able to see where you are and you're going to be able to move forward.
An example of this like okay so your intuition will show you like this is what this is this is what needs to happen this is what you need to do and it will like not at you and not at you and you're like like but you know that like it's not going to be an easy step
this has happened to me multiple times in my [00:23:00] life, where a message really clearly comes in of like, this is not, this is no bueno, this is not good for you, like you need to be out of here. And I'm just like, okay, whatever, like put it off, put it off, you know, and other times where, you know, as this has gone on, I'm 42 now, and this has happened multiple times, it's getting a lot easier for me to be like, Oh shit.
Like, are you kidding me? Like that's what, but I know like when this comes in and I just know, like it's a full body, I have to do this. And then my brain is like, okay, buckle up, like put on the seatbelt. Because like I said, your intuition is going to show you what you need to do. It's not always easy.
Often what happens is it forces you to make a difficult choice or something that you've avoided and it can explode the situation like I have had situations where it very clearly shows me what is going on, what needs to happen and what will happen if I stay in this scenario. And it's like, this is what needs you need to do this point blank.
And. Like I [00:24:00] said, I've gotten, um, much better with my, what I call like intuitive obedience because I trust it. I know like it's got my back. So I'm like, all right, let's do it. Buckle up. Like I said, get, get in the driver's seat. Here we go. And then the shit hits the fan. You do that thing that you're like, deploy sequence.
Like you push the button, the red button, and you're like, here we go. And it does not look pretty. Like it looks like on the exterior, things are exploding and things are falling apart and the heat is getting dialed up and it looks like. It's more stressful. And it is, it has in the past opened a door where I'm like, holy, but Jesus, this is like excruciating to go through, or this is insane.
It looks on the exterior, like things are getting worse. And that's when your nervous system is like, holy frigging shiz balls. Like what is going on? And it wants you to like, stop, stop, stop, go back, go back, go back, go back to what it was.
And Retract, you know, like don't do that because it's freaking out because it doesn't know what's happening. But, you know, I was able to like support myself with like breathwork and journaling and grounding and all the things that I know my nervous [00:25:00] system needs to be like, it's cool. It's cool. Because what is literally happening is, um, you're, you put like a stick of dynamite, however, big or small into your timeline.
And it's like, get rid of this, clear this for me, open this door. Like even I'm seeing in a cartoon, you know, when they like, I think it was like Looney Tunes and they would always put like a Bundle of dynamite outside of a cave to like open the rocks and then create a path. It's that same kind of Dynamic where it's like stuff is going to explode and fall apart.
And sometimes the leaving of certain situations is very uncomfortable, but it always creates this pathway forward. And my belief is when, when you make a decision, however large or small, if there's a really extreme reaction with it, where it's like, Holy shit, that got out of hand quick, like, you know, like that escalated quickly, like anchorman.
You're like, That doesn't mean you did anything wrong. In fact, that's like confirmation of like how [00:26:00] misaligned you and that thing or you and that person were because the detaching of it was like so extreme because it was so wrong for you. And it's like, we got to take this out and we're going to go out with a bang, but know that.
Because it was so misaligned because the disintegration of it is so extreme. It means that the pathway forward is going to be so much wider and clearer. It is, um, there's a lot of like re learning and unlearning that has to happen for your mind and your body to go through that, because we believe that when things get stressful or chaotic or kind of explosive, or maybe even involve conflict, it's That it's like bad, bad, stop.
Oh my God. Arguing is wrong. Fart, you know, like, uh, yuck. Everyone needs to be happy and everything needs to be the same. And we learn that. Growing up, that's what we believe, but it requires a bit of, like I said, unlearning and unshakable self belief that like what you're going through is meant for you, what you're going through is serving you and what you're going through, you [00:27:00] can get through, like you are equipped to do this.
Okay. It's that element of like, self trust that like, I got this ain't nobody going to like, ain't no one going to break my stride. Ain't no one gonna stop me now. I'm hearing that. Oh no. That's a good keep a moving. I don't know what song that is, but that song, maybe it will speak to you, but it's that kind of like, I'm just going to keep going.
It's fine. And having that self trust. It becomes really, really hard when we allow ourselves to live a life where we're frozen in our decisions, where we don't make decisions and we don't move forward because we never give ourselves the experience and the opportunity to learn that I am a badass. I am resilient.
I can deal with conflict. I can fall down and get back up. And when we live our life in like freeze mode. Nothing's changing. We're not happy. We're not filling our soul bucket, but we're also not building our radical self trust and self belief because we're not [00:28:00] giving that part of our brain that needs tangible evidence.
We're not giving it the tangible evidence that it needs. And so that voice gets louder. It's like, see, you've never done anything like that. So you can see how this is like a self fulfilling prophecy or like something that snowballs. Right. And we just, we have the power to like, stop it. And to put in new practices in our days in our lives that help us like build new paths and new beliefs and, um, new responses to the things that happen in our life.
Like my goal for everybody is to like trust in themselves and trust in the universe and to really understand that. You have answers you have guidance but you also have a wealth of resilience within you even if you think you don't you have resilience to do difficult things and support yourself through uncomfortable feelings because all growth and transformation is only going to come in discomfort nobody changes their life and changes [00:29:00] the world by not pushing any boundaries right you think like charlie the chocolate factory he had to go through that glass i'm seeing that elevator you know he's like You He had to crash through that freaking ceiling to like, take his elevator to the sky, right?
Like he couldn't stay in the factory anymore. And there is no such thing as growth and change without pain. It's like, Like a new life. When a new life comes into earth, like when a new soul steps into the human body, ask any woman who's like had a baby. It's not a, it's not a cakewalk. It's not a walk in the park.
There's pain and it's scary and it's chaotic and you don't know what's happening, but new life comes out of that. And it's the same with us. Like we have to be able to go through those things and we can go through those things and we can birth new life, new paths, new timelines, transformation on a really deep level.
Um, When we trust that we have the answers and we have the resources and we hold the dial to the radio to tap into all of that energy and that [00:30:00] support that's around us through the universe, that it's always going to have our back and it's always going to take you down the path that you need to go on.
And. If you dedicate time in your day or time in your week as much as you can to getting still, to sitting in silence, to paying attention to what comes in, what messages come in, whether you're doing like automatic writing or journaling, or if you're going for a walk, you know, a disconnected walk, no music, nothing, and just seeing what pops into like your mental desktop or whether you're doing breath work or just sitting still or art, like, doing some art practices and seeing like this whole thing with doodling that you can do, um, mimics like gets your brain into like a dream wave space and you can see what comes in.
If you can just do stuff like that. And make an effort to notice and record. And there's so [00:31:00] many ways, like I have, I'm like, where do we go with this episode? Cause I'm like, I have so much to tell you and so much to teach you of like how to do this, because I used to be a person who had like 70, 000 radio stations on my head all at the same time.
And I had completely tuned them out because it was overwhelming. And I was just like, so. disconnected and have got to a space where I can like, ask questions and receive the knowing that I need and then make the decisions and move forward. But like I said, supporting myself as I go through it, because like you want to talk fried nervous systems.
I, my nervous system is very, very fried, like trauma and PTSD and things like that will do that to you. But I'm here to say, like, if I can do it, You can do it. Anybody can do it. And whether, like I said, whether you're going to use art or meditation or journaling or even like using tarot to get messages and to receive guidance, it's really a process of.
Regulating yourself, like getting yourself chilled out so that you're not constantly [00:32:00] on a stress loop, because when you're on a stress loop of fight or flight, you're not paying attention. So it's regulating ourselves to do that. It's opening our awareness, building a practice that supports your intuitive development, and then, Recording it, like making a note of you want to see like my notes app in my phone for the last five years, it's, um, we have to, we have to record everything that happens so that we can look back at it.
, I'm actually working on something it's a guide on, , developing like a daily tarot reading practice for yourself to receive intuitive messages, but also, learn like what your intuitive language is in terms of symbols and signs.
It's really cool. So if you just want something to play with and to sort of hold your hand and guide you through it, to develop your intuition and to get into those practices of like tarot Sitting in stillness, receiving, recording, and then interpreting. it'll be a really good thing for you to play with.
It's totally free. It's got two meditations in there. It's got journal prompts, a whole bunch of stuff, and [00:33:00] it'll be available on my website. At jenniferholly. com and on my, um, socials as well, and my links, you'll be able to go get it and, get going with that practice.
Life is a choose your own adventure book. Quite often in those books, you know, you'd make a decision.
You'd be like, Oh, I decided to break the window instead of opening the door. And you'd go back. If you were like me, you'd read the book again and you'd be like, well, what happened if I opened the door? And you'd realize like six chapters down, you still had the same experience. If you had made a different choice, everything kind of intersects
there is no. Be all and end all decisions, you know, that completely changes your life forever. I mean, you decide to have a kid that will change your life forever. There are some, but the majority of our decisions are smaller than that. And we need to just practice. We need to practice making those decisions.
Let's sign off with a message from Moonology Messages I love this deck. We've talked all about Intuitive decision making.
So let's see what we got in here. [00:34:00] Do nothing, right? Absolutely. Do nothing. That is the hardest thing for us to do sitting in stillness. And you're probably like, what do nothing? We talked about doing things and making decisions, but this do nothing card if you see like they're sitting there and they're in contemplation, the doing nothing, meaning doing The turning off of the chitter chatter, the not multitasking, the element of like just sitting and doing nothing is the doorway that opens to being able to hear your intuitive nudges.
You would be surprised how much can come in if you sit in stillness and you sit in quiet and you ask a question and you just sit there and wait for it to pop into your head and it's really uncomfortable. It's really uncomfortable for us to sit and do nothing because we think I got to go out there and I got to get the answers and I got it.
You know what I mean? But the real wisdom comes when we do nothing because we don't have to create the answer. We don't have to [00:35:00] find the answer. We don't shift, we don't shift our environment. We just open up and we wait for it to sort of register. Do nothing to find the truth. Do nothing and allow the truth to be revealed to you. I encourage you to do. Nothing to try and sit start with one minute it's hard like I said it can be hard if this is new ask a question think of whatever it is that you're facing and think of like what is the very first decision that needs to be made not the end result like all the decisions that lead to this grand finale what is the first.
Step. If you think about like where you are and where you want to go being a ladder, what's that first rung that you need to step on and ask it as an either or is it a this or that and put that question out, put it out to the universe and then do nothing sit, sit, sit for 1 minute, sit for 2 minutes, sit for 5 minutes and just.
Be in stillness and allow the truth to be shown to you. And it might be [00:36:00] shown to you through a memory. You might see a flash of someone's face. You might hear a song. You might feel something in your body. You might just know something. And those are all the different intuitive nudges
and we can do a deep dive into those on another episode. But for now, I want you to do nothing. And allow your truth to be shown to you. And as always, as we sign off, every rating review, show of appreciation and love that you put out there to the universe is received by me with such gratitude
such love and thanks for helping to grow this podcast and to grow the show, to grow the community. And if you want details about anything that I talked about in this episode, you can go to jenniferholly. com or you can go to the show notes and description. And as I said, you can buy the manifesting magic playbook.
If you want a bit of a nudge, To help you and like a hand to hold you on recalculating and getting on your path, or you can book a reading with me and we can sit down and we can like deep [00:37:00] dive into the compounding dynamics of exactly what's going on in your situation. And we can start finding the keys that will open the doors for you.
I hope you have an amazing week and I will talk to you soon.
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